In proportion as this quantity is great or small, so are his real riches, his real weekly revenue.
You do not increase the real wealth, the real revenue either of our farmers or country gentlemen.
Without salary caps or real revenue sharing like that in the National Football League, small-market teams will have a never-ending struggle.
To recapture the lost revenue, state and local governments may raise taxes in order to continue collecting the same real revenues from their taxpayers.
It has real products, real revenues and, sometimes, real earnings.
It has no debt, and real revenue.
We are talking here about real revenue; session musicians are going to see their income tripled, to reach up to EUR 2 000.
There is very real revenue to be made here.
Like real revenue generating employment ...the sort that makes everyone happy.
The same ministry declares that the real revenue should have been 120 billion Afghanis.