But some Administration officials say the real hurdle to sending ground forces is political, not military.
Behind the News - The vote was the last real hurdle in a decades-long quest for a new stadium.
"The time constraints necessary to work for the team are a real hurdle for them, and colleges often look the other way."
As hard as it was to talk to her in those terms, the real hurdle was that little bit having to do with Tyler.
But even the most enthusiastic proponents readily admit that they face real hurdles.
But establishment hostility is not the real hurdle to intelligent design.
"I think the first race is the real hurdle," Lukas said.
"That was the real hurdle, the real turning point of my life," he said.
In the city's political culture, anyone can decide to run for office, but getting on the ballot can be a real hurdle.
But he concedes that the real hurdle is getting the youths involved initially.