There they still sit in the rough and ready-made clothes that the male writer has had perforce to clap upon their shoulders.
Puthiamputhur is one of important village involved in manufacturing ready-made clothes.
My parents simply had no money to buy ready-made clothes, and my niang didn't have a sewing machine.
The are some production of ready-made clothes.
It's available by the yard or you can buy such finery as ready-made clothes, coverings and napkins.
In the meantime, we'll send one of the footmen to purchase a few ready-made clothes for him.
They used the first floor as a pret-a-porter (ready-made clothes) shop and the second story as their houses and the tailoring place.
In 1933 Hawes hired herself to a dress manufacturer to design ready-made clothes.
Silks and ready-made clothes are good buys.
Mass production of ready-made clothes started a century ago in New York City's old tenement "sweatshops."