He was by no means a polished writer, though his education was classical and his reading varied.
The most common symbolic use of the skull is as a representation of death and mortality, but such a reading varies with changing cultural contexts.
The readings on the five sleeping Talin three hundred meters away never varied and the stunned Talin on the warehouse floor didn't stir.
If the readings vary widely, move the sprinkler more frequently or invest in a more efficient model.
The format of Divine Liturgy is fixed, although the specific readings and hymns vary with season and feast.
The readings were varying with the water temperature so that to correct them the precise temperatures had to be known.
But the color variations can be subtle, and readings can vary by examiner.
Since the Japanese language allows for multiple possible "readings (pronunciations)" for each kanji, the reading of Okinawan family names written with the same characters varies.
And the readings varied.
The problem with radon testing of schools, said Mr. Schur, is that readings vary from room to room.