Her mother was a reading teacher in public schools in Brooklyn.
David Wray (1983) describes another program type which should be of great interest to the reading teacher.
An extra reading teacher and social worker will be placed in each of the five schools.
Finally, the reading teacher spoke: "Read with him every day," she offered.
Her mother, also retired, was a reading teacher in the Reading school district.
That is the salary for a good reading teacher.
Voters approved a second proposal that cut spending by $2 million and called for layoffs of three reading teachers.
Ruth, the daughter of a reading teacher, said she wanted the teachers to get their contract and go to work on schedule.
But it would also be a budget decision, because, as a result, the superintendent might have to hire more reading teachers or buy more books.
A pioneering reading teacher for 25 years, Mary insured that no child left her classroom without being able to read.