Prolonged reading tasks in visual research.
Left Hemianopia patients show even greater improvements, showing a significantly smaller number of saccades, and following reading tasks their ocular responses are comparable to 'normal' vision patients (Passamonti et al.,2009).
Consider the following reading tasks that you may have been set, either by yourself or your teacher:
How does the structure of the book (chapters, subsections, paragraphs) relate to your reading task?
But those gains have come primarily in the lower grades, in the most basic reading tasks and among youngsters from low-income families.
Thus, the amount of activation in the left dorsal inferior frontal gyrus while performing reading tasks can be used to predict later reading ability and advancement.
These researchers argue that "the relationship of RAN with reading should be higher if the reading task requires more orthographic knowledge."
You may be able to get someone to talk on a topic that also features in the textbook so that the video recording would introduce listening comprehension work that linked to a reading task.
However, it is possible to discover something about the relationship between clause structure and the processing of written language by using a subject-paced reading task.