It was about as dangerous as any darting operation can be, but the Sri Lankan trackers readily volunteered to go with Hofmeyr.
Thus, many prisoners readily volunteered.
In a recent interview, for instance, he readily volunteered that he collects antique fishing decoys - bought through Ebay, of course.
He readily volunteered to make our presence known to the student leaders who had recently had their heads bloodied.
Over 1,000 men readily volunteered, then had to pass rigid physical and mental examinations.
It is, Mr. Schnall volunteered readily, "completely gross."
Three reasons why Herb would readily volunteer: "One, he's family," he said.
But they said he would readily volunteer to help pump out a neighbor's flooded basement or clean up debris at Little League baseball fields.
With conspicuous bravery Gersdorff readily volunteered to sacrifice his life.
Some residents of 20th Avenue readily volunteered that fear played a large part in the strike's success.