Using this data slot, Nintendo 3DS users can readily share and exchange content for multiple games at the same time, whenever they are connected.
He readily shared the fact that she has no physical disability, saying their relationship defied assumptions that disabled people date only each other.
The vantage point he enjoyed was not one any citizen could readily share.
The Yonkers traffic department, which does not readily share accident figures, declined to provide them for this article.
Ask him and he will readily share his view of global warming as bunk.
Otherwise, the big-market teams would readily share all revenues possible to make the smaller teams as stable as they contend they need be.
Sweeney had his own opinion, which he readily shared.
I can readily share them, but I do not know how to set up albums.
The Cuban government does not readily share information on things like high school graduation rates and college attendance, Professor Lindahl said.
The UK and the US readily share information because of their history of cooperation in fighting terrorism.