The two hydrolysis products, H, a gas, and Ca(OH), an aqueous mixture, are readily separated from each other.
Ferrocenium salts are sometimes used as oxidizing agents, in part because the product ferrocene is fairly inert and readily separated from ionic products.
As a result, clay particles do not form a stable emulsion and can be readily separated from the water.
BINOL has axial chirality and the two enantiomers can be readily separated and are stable toward racemisation.
Chrysoperla species are sometimes nearly identical morphologically but can be readily separated based on the vibration signals used to attract mates.
Plinthite concretions are coherent enough to be separated readily from the surrounding soil.
It is loosely connected to the bones and can be readily separated from them.
The paper separated readily, but glued itself to his arm.
Mixtures of substances that are not soluble are usually readily separated by physical sieving or settlement.
It does mean that some Muslims tend to be uncomfortable with distinctions between religion and state, though Muslim rulers throughout history have readily separated the two.