For example, statistics readily reveal that "the", "a", and "an" occur in similar contexts, while "eat" occurs in very different ones.
For Mr. Dohnanyi is a thoughtful man in ways that he does not readily reveal for publication.
A map or satellite photo readily reveals these major trends.
However, a quick test of the individual's testosterone level following the diagnosis of the fracture will readily reveal whether that individual might be at risk.
When asked about his own livelihood, Martin readily reveals that he is a professional killer, a response taken as a joke by everyone he meets.
They will not readily reveal the existence of too many more of them.
Like other wrens, they are elusive as they hunt for small insects and spiders, but they readily reveal their positions through their loud songs.
He readily revealed an incident when he showed less than perfect judgment during an off-season game he played in Europe a couple of years ago.
The clientele is largely if not entirely local; Acchiardo has made it into the guidebooks, but its charms do not readily reveal themselves to the non-adventurous.
Microscopic examination of the tape surface readily revealed the cause.