He concludes that readers should skip the series unless they are die-hard fans of Millar's work.
Any reader who can't or won't do the same should skip them.
Nor should any reader skip his brief tribute to the thousands of principled Berliners for whom their city had in store only deprivation and death.
Even if that's the case, the reader can easily skip this novel and hope that things pick up in the sequels.
"I didn't want readers to skip over the recipes, or they would lose that sense," she said.
The reader, however, can easily hop and skip over the lesser pieces.
When that is left out, young readers may guess or skip over words they don't know and some children may not learn how to read.
Should readers skip the parts that seem to be gossip?
But within reasonable limits, challenging recipes do have their place, even if some readers skip right over them.
At this point, some readers have no doubt skipped to the Sports section.