The first 200 readers to reply will receive a complimentary jar of their choice.
Does he want readers to sing along, or receive the words on their own?
Nor had he thought about subscription copies, so that many regular readers received the magazine despite his best efforts.
More than 4.8 million readers received the supplement, including over 620,000 C-level executives.
As for any further particulars relating to the author, the reader will receive satisfaction from the first pages of the book.
The first reader to guess correctly received a cash prize.
The reader receives one point if no one identifies the genuine line.
As usual, each reader received this month's book a week early.
The first 50 readers also receive a free 1kg bag of WigglySeed.
This reader, from the first generation, received a copy not long after the book appeared, and can still recall its curious force.