Even the most cynical reader hopes everyone will manage to prosper, but that isn't what happens.
Even if that's the case, the reader can easily skip this novel and hope that things pick up in the sequels.
So irreverent readers may hope for more fictitious delights in the new edition.
That depends on whether the reader hopes to learn something or be amused.
Personally, the reader hopes otherwise, since this is the point of the exercise.
Though we may want to argue this point with him, readers will hope he can stay hooked enough to keep working on the next edition.
The reader hopes against hope that these complaints will lead to insight and transformation beyond individual preoccupations.
Considerations of illustrations aside, the reader will be hoping for enlightenment from the text.
A reader can only hope that Grimes made it all up.
The reader, on the other hand, hopes not to revisit the subject.