The reader could discern the meaning of the original text.
Few readers ever discern type style.
Signals help a reader quickly discern meaning or usefulness of a particular reference when the reference itself does not provide adequate information.
A reader of these letters would quickly discern the nature of her disease and the nature of its contraction.
The guests are all given some sort of defining characteristic for comic effect, as well as to help the reader discern the culprit.
As the regular reader will discern, this is my yearly, somewhat overheated "Hence, loathed Melancholy!"
At this point, what any reader has discerned far earlier dawns on her: her parents were rubbed out.
The second novel, as most writers discover, and many sympathetic readers discern, is the hard one.
The initiated reader could discern here three distinct stages of revelation.
(Moderately clever readers will have discerned how by this point.)