There is a reader called NewsTap which is the only one I could find for the iPhone.
A reader called to say she had a postcard dated 1910 which showed the fire with a notice saying: 'This fire hasn't been out for over 200 years.'
More than two hundred readers called to offer support and money to the families described.
Poetry traditionally recited in the villages by special readers called gabaye was a way of recording the community's history and customs, as well as current events.
Earlier on the blog there had been some confusion from a reader called Paul Douglas:
Some drives can only read from discs, but recent drives are commonly both readers and recorders, also called burners or writers.
In 2013 he will begin a series of baseball-themed mysteries for younger readers called "Lenny and the Mikes."
Lisp code itself is written in the syntax of the reader, called read syntax.
Besides being able to accept most credit and bank cards, the readers, called E-Ports, will allow passengers to watch news, weather and sports programs.
The editor, Mark McGee, said some readers called to cancel their subscriptions in protest.