Good writing should help readers to "become less alone inside."
By this stage the reader may be becoming a little uneasy.
- Even readers who do understand the word will soon become irritated if you use it all the time.
The magazine says these readers, most of whom are women, have become more attuned to a troubled world.
Just when a reader is becoming weary of all this narrative play, relief comes from an unexpected quarter.
Many readers of this book will have become involved with numbers in the belief that they are 'no good at English'.
Now our typical reader is becoming a very young woman in her teens.
In the years since Piel began writing about science in 1938, his readers have become much more sophisticated.
There is not enough plot to the novel, but by its end the reader has nonetheless become attached to the characters and their relationships.
The new approach is based on a belief that readers and residents have become increasingly flummoxed by politics, an idea supported in interviews here.