The reader, then, should approach the text as a writer, "which is [about] making aesthetic judgments."
Because Pushkin chose to write his plays in verse, a modern reader can approach them more as poetry than drama.
His prose encourages readers to think outside the box and to approach solving technical problems in an innovative way.
She didn't want readers to approach her work as "exotic."
BY necessity, intelligent readers approach corporate management books with a healthy dose of skepticism.
The reader approaches these mysteries through the incomplete knowledge of the characters.
Most readers will, appropriately, approach the book as a how to.
He has been to places very few can see, and a reader approaches with high hopes for a privileged tour of a forbidden city.
American readers should approach the book with this context in mind.
It was among Marr's suggestions for how a reader should approach a newspaper if they really wish to know what is going on: