It gives you a way into the subtext without reading subtitles.
Scene changes were rapid and instructive and you had to read subtitles to understand them.
Dubbing is preferred by some because it allows the to viewer focus on the on-screen action, without reading subtitles.
But particularly in Italy, where the literacy rate was very low, audiences could not read subtitles.
That was another reason the film caused a scandal in Italy: audiences had to read subtitles, in effect to understand themselves.
Nobody wants to read subtitles, not even students.
Often parents saw it and came back with their children who were old enough to read subtitles.
Would more Americans be willing to read subtitles or watch dubbed movies if they had the opportunity?
It is usually possible to read subtitles in less time than it takes the characters to complete the exchange.
For some reason Americans are too dumb to read subtitles and need an "A list" celeb cast to see a movie.