It is, of course, essential to read sermons and Scripture commentaries by others.
For entertainment, the queen read sermons to them and the princesses practised embroidery.
Her husband added: "We went to a hotel in Delaware and did nothing for two whole days but read sermons to each other."
He ought to read nothing but very eloquent theological sermons by old-fashioned Presbyterian divines.
In a sophomore history course covering the Salem witch trials, students read trial transcripts and 17th-century sermons.
This forced parishes to rely on lay readers to lead prayers and read published sermons.
I would sit with Lady Margaret for long hours, reading repressive sermons on the folly of all things pleasurable.
Pastors of Flemish congregations read sermons from a book while seated at a table.
They began to meet in private houses where they read sermons and prayed together.
So they jumped the Greek and Latin, and read law, medicine, or sermons, without it.