I got tired of reading recipes for four.
Women were not encouraged to read or write anyway-although recipes and compendia of other household knowledge were permissable.
She naturally paid most attention to the drawings-but she paused to read the descriptions and recipes, as well.
Dorothea's mother read recipes; her father was addicted to the daily papers.
I have read recipes for 16 cloves to a cup of oil.
That is, while it's fun to read recipes and look at photographs of table settings in Gourmet magazine, no one I know considers this a substitute for eating.
"I shop a little before work and read recipes after work and have nightmares every night," he said.
"I could not even read recipes," she admitted.
Tweens can slice and chop, stir pots and sauté foods, heat items in the microwave oven, and read and follow recipes and package directions.
"I want to read recipes for simple, straightforward dishes - and preferably ones that don't cost a lot of money and don't take long to cook."