I trust that you have been reading my peerless prose this lovely morning.
This story was nowhere near that big, of course, but you'd never have known it to read our breathless prose and listen to our frantic commentators.
You can guess who gets the buttons but you'll have to read Mr. Cole's delightful prose and look at his amusing pictures to find out just how.
Or do you actually want a reader to stop reading your prose here and whizz on to Chantelle Houghton's homepage?
A congress of keyboard tappers so dedicated only the athletes have time to lift their heads and read everyone else's prose!
I could read his prose on salary, but not Jane's.
Which is understandable - when you read her prose, it's so polished and clean, you could eat off it.
He flicked it open and started to read Fiona's precise and familiar prose.
Please Guardian subs, could you try to read your prose before you chuck it up on the website?
Miss Gordimer's most outspoken white critics and black supporters have not necessarily read her dense but incisive prose.