"Nagarak high godspeaker reads omens in a lamb's tongue," he countered.
Et-Nogolor's Daughter is planted with a son and Nagarak high godspeaker has read omens of war.
I wonder if it reads omens as well.
"Well ... sometimes Hunter reads omens that the rest of us do not notice."
He was a diviner who read omens in the flight of birds.
They may have an aptitude for reading omens or memorizing the poems that contain our histories.
Already residents are reading good omens into the newest restaurant in the neighborhood, seeing it as another sign that things are changing.
People teach themselves wariness of reading omens in splendid weather - "all this sunshine."
For the rest, those men on the towers have been reading omens in the stars, though exactly what they read I cannot tell you.
I read omens in everything, significance in everything.