It discusses the prominence of reading difficulties throughout the nation and features a discussion of how educators can hope to improve the current situation.
The phonological deficit hypothesis is a prevalent cognitive-level explanation for the cause of reading difficulties and dyslexia.
The program is designed to support proven methods in teaching, screening, diagnosis and monitoring of reading difficulties among children as well as high quality professional development for teachers.
They have teachers screening students for reading difficulties and following up with an intervention program.
Once in school, early identification of reading difficulties and intervention with additional resources are essential in order to help struggling students read at their grade level.
The text also discusses ways in which students struggling with speech impairments and reading difficulties can improve their learning process.
Dysmetropsia in one eye, a case of aniseikonia, can present with symptoms such as headaches, asthenopia, reading difficulties, depth perception problems, or double vision.
Children with language difficulties are at increased risk for reading disorders or difficulties that can occur early on in preschool and continue on throughout development.
The discouraging outlook for low-performing students is reflected in the high incidence of reading difficulties among the prison population.
You have all read my full reports on my... difficulties... upon returning from the Klingon competition.