Alakhai promoted literacy and, according to a Chinese envoy, read daily.
Fremover, which has no party affiliation, is read daily by approx.
These 22 million copies are read by at least 45 million people daily.
In a 1999 survey, the National Assessment asked 17-year-olds whether they saw adults reading at home daily.
I daily read the Word of God, and applied all the comforts of it to my present state.
In particular The Financial Times is read daily by all the planners.
But to give her third graders an extra 50 minutes of reading daily, she has eliminated music, art and gym.
Each of us is read daily, and we read others.
It is read by more than 1,000 people daily.
Among eighth-graders, 71 percent reported watching three or more hours of television a day, but just 27 percent said they read daily for pleasure.