Read the labels carefully before taking other pain relievers, fever reducers, or cold products to see if they also contain acetaminophen.
Clark handed over an envelope and let Jensen read its contents before taking it back.
Comment: I wish i had read these reviews before taking it.
In a prepared statement he read before taking questions, Bishop Gregory used language that was more critical of the way some cases had been handled.
Read packet instructions before taking any medicine and if concerned about which treatments might cause drowsiness, ask your chemist.
I highly suggest to read all of the reviews and all of the information on this product before taking it.
Read the label carefully before taking a multi-symptom cold and flu medicine along with cough medicine.
Read the information below, and talk to your doctor, before taking bupropion.
(Note to myself: read the reviews of a play before taking the kids.)
You should always read the label carefully before taking any medication.