The first editor to read "Lolita" did not think it even a book for adults, at least not for adults unwilling to serve jail sentences.
Nabokov had a point: The net effect of reading "Lolita" is indeed of going to bed with a pervert and waking up with a professor.
I actually just read Lolita for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it.
Stephanie Seymour said she was reading "Lolita," by Vladimir Nabokov.
I had never even got around to reading Lolita.
I've read 1984, and Lolita, and Scarlet Letter but none of the others.
I will never forget a personal ad in the Seattle Weekly that read "Lolita, daddy's calling".
On the one hand, I'd be interested to see you read Lolita, because I think it's awesome.
Please oh please can we read Lolita?
How young is too young to read "Lolita"?