It is a highly reactive substance and must be segregated from combustible materials.
This damage results from highly reactive substances called free radicals, which are continually formed within the body and through exposures to outside agents.
When the reactive substance comes in contact with the resin, it will bond to it, removing it from the air stream.
Hexafluoroacetone is a reactive substance, acting primarily as an electrophile.
Detection of a small proportion of reactive organic substances such as urea and amino acids is far from easy.
These highly reactive substances can activate carcinogens, accelerate cellular aging and directly damage the liver.
Humans in passionate relationships, according to Goethe, are analogous to reactive substances in a chemical equation.
Persistent carbenes are still fairly reactive substances, and many will undergo dimerisation, sometimes reversibly.
Smoking also interferes with the skin's ability to protect itself against damage by free radicals, highly reactive substances that are omnipresent in tobacco smoke.
The cells may also release free radicals, highly reactive and short-lived substances that can destroy a brain cell.