"We're really in a reactive mode, and obviously the big dog on the block is California."
This is dragging on, and the board remains in a defensive, reactive mode, not an active or corrective one.
We need to have a smart, competent president who operates in a proactive rather than in a reactive mode.
Crisis management often lends itself to a reactive mode, which lessens the inclination to plan ahead.
Until CIA has a lot more field assets to identify them before they get here, we're in a reactive mode, not a proactive one.
"We continue to be in a reactive mode," He said.
"We're a lot more organized now because last season we went through a reactive mode," Logan said.
In the reactive mode, an editor removes posts, reviews, or content that is deemed offensive after it has been placed on the site or list.
Past takeovers, she recalled, were often very fast, and "as a result the labor groups are often in the reactive mode."
It is quite simply the business of capable government to account for such contingencies and to operate in a proactive rather than a reactive mode.