Yet an American official said there was a danger that China's reaction would provoke retaliation from Washington.
However, adverse reaction to the clock's size and position provoked the club into ordering a larger replacement.
The reaction that it might provoke worries me.
That reaction provoked an equally strong one from abortion rights activists.
His sullen reaction provokes her doubts about the relationship, and she declares that she intends to have the child with or without him.
The strong reactions it provokes expose the profound ambivalence about artistic control that is characteristic of this culture's relationship with art.
Heaven only knew what reaction that admission would provoke.
However, adverse reaction to the clock's size and position provoked the club into ordering a larger replacement to be incorporated in a proposed big screen.
The tardy reaction on the part of the new foreign affairs administration has provoked amazement, with good reason.
The letter and the reaction it provoked probably arrived too late in the campaign to affect the outcome.