Goodyear's reaction to competition from Korean tire makers illustrates the global nature of the tire business.
The reaction to the crash illustrated the secrecy and importance of the project.
The reaction to Mr. Young's speech illustrated the depth of the racial divide between the city and its suburbs.
The following reactions illustrate the limitations of Arrhenius's definition:
His reaction illustrates the uneasy, fragile but necessary relationship of the black scholar - and black studies itself - with the white academy.
Its reaction with basic water illustrates this property, in which case hydroxide is the nucleophile.
One viewer's reaction illustrates what "Money Angels" is up against.
The negative reaction to the performance illustrates the impasse of preconceived racial categories.
These reactions illustrate how quickly and dramatically alcohol affects the brain.
A simplified description can be given using the four different, interacting chemical reactions illustrated in the figure.