But when a knife attack on Celia has unexpected consequences, her mum reacts strangely.
I'd seen animals react strangely when the females were in heat, and this is what I was now experiencing firsthand.
Gerda reacted strangely, like a mother given an ugly duckling to rear.
Shortly after, several crew find the ships systems to reacting strangely, specifically around elements of Data's logs and records.
You reacted strangely when he turned up at Revelwood.
It appears that white tigers also react strangely to anaesthesia.
Anne reacts strangely towards Sally who points out the direction to the auditorium.
And he reacted kind of strangely, like I had scolded him.
Did any of the men react strangely to Liz?
So I don't really know if he's reacting strangely or not.