As earlier, some reacted irrationally to the loss of outside will, even to the point of suicide.
True, markets do sometimes react irrationally, and some foreign markets plunged after the attack.
Jake reacts irrationally and unconvincingly to Jo's questioning after the children tell her the woman fainted into Jake's arms.
She was a young girl, a child banged on the head; naturally she reacted irrationally.
With both illusions shattered, they are reacting irrationally.
As a consequence of feeling closed in the person may react irrationally to make them comfortable.
The market is reacting increasingly irrationally, demonstrating the mutual dependence of economic systems.
As noted, they may be unstable individuals who react irrationally.
T. Hamilton McKenzie stared coldly at his wife, and assumed it was the strain that had caused her to react so irrationally.
When the amygdala perceives a threat, it can lead that person to react irrationally and destructively.