Problems develop because ADHD often causes children and teens to react impulsively and makes it difficult for them to learn and to comply with rules.
He said he had learned to manage his moods rather than react impulsively, after learning to monitor his thoughts and attend more closely to the reactions of others.
Those trials in which the subject reacted to the go-signal impulsively without seeing a subsequent signal show a quick RT of about 600ms.
Note that stop trials cannot test self-knowledge because if the subject does act, it is obvious to them that they reacted impulsively.
I reacted impulsively out of frustration and for that I apologize.
"It was wrong to react so impulsively, without positive evidence of disloyalty, even though we felt we had a good motive in the security of our state," he wrote in his memoirs.
Distress tolerance: Feeling intense emotions like anger without reacting impulsively or using self-injury or substance abuse to dampen distress.
Kirk reacted impulsively, tackling the rifleman in his boat to stop him from killing one of the Ilaiyenai.
Susan spoke from emotion, without thinking; she sensed something was wrong and she reacted impulsively.
People react impulsively sometimes.