When she is caught sneaking out of the home, her father reacts furiously.
Wu reacted furiously at this betrayal by pulling his army from the front to rescue Cao.
The Rwandan government reacted furiously, saying it "categorically rejected" the report.
Other members of the committee reacted furiously to Ballesteros' comment about whether they had received similar offers.
The opposition reacted furiously to Tandja's efforts to remain in office and denounced him as a dictator.
A group of actors reacts furiously to the Klingon raiders.
Many critics reacted furiously to these parts of Wolfe's book.
When news of this decision is carried to Anne, she reacts furiously.
As he feared, Assange reacted furiously, saying this was not sufficient and that all bets were off.
His parents found out and reacted furiously, blaming him for becoming just like Daniel.