Those two probably changed to make sure they don't get attacked by their own forces when they reach the Sturinnese forces.
With a range of about 25 miles, the howitzers could reach the American and British forces moving into northern Kuwait and threaten them as they advanced north.
"You say that the second crystal spear-thrower should have reached the forces moving south from Dimor?"
News of the attack reached the French forces under command of Jourdan and Béru, who were mustering to launch their own raid against Menin.
He led several assaults against the enemy and was mortally wounded in his fifth and last attempt to reach the American forces.
However, reinforcements from Albania were unable to reach the cut-off Italian forces and the Julia Division sustained heavy losses.
Col. David Merritt commanded 350 troops, who traveled by train and marched to reach the surviving forces on Milk Creek on October 8.
By the reports, it seems as if they might never have reached the Greek forces at all!
Almost all of this matériel had to be funneled through Croatia, which thus controlled the types and amounts reaching the two forces in conflict in central Bosnia.