It is probably not the deepest, though, since the final depth of the Big Hole reached 720 ft or more.
Following the floods of 1861-62 and 1867-68, the highest water on record reached between 216 and 220 ft above sea level.
The plant reaches 3 ft in height and width in the wild.
It is reported that the top kite reached 31,955 ft above the launch point.
During November 29, 2010, water level of the dam reached 64.29 ft against its full depth of 65 feet.
A Lightning flying at optimum climb profile would reach 36,000 ft in under three minutes.
They can reach nearly 4 ft in length.
It reached 18,600 ft (later recalibrated to 18,150 feet) depth, to the sea floor, on November 15, 1959.
It also needed 18.8 minutes to reach 20,000 ft, and in view of these disappointing performance figures the type was abandoned.
When built the main body reached 132 ft with an additional 78 ft tower.