Board members could not be reached last night for comment on the matter, some details of which have been reported by The Daily News.
This panel also failed to reach an agreement on the matter and environmentalists left for the second time in May 1991.
A dispute with Native Americans over alleged burial grounds once threatened to shut down the airport but an accord has been reached on the matter.
Dr. Contini, the deputy commissioner, said a decision had yet to be reached on the matter of allowing them to proceed.
For a defendant to be sentenced to death, the jury must reach a unanimous decision on both the matter of guilt and penalty.
Dasti, a critic of Mai, confirmed that he had requested her to reach a compromise on the matter.
I also regret that we did not succeed in reaching an agreement on the matter of staffing companies.
At least five local law societies found it difficult to reach a consensus amongst their members on the matter.
Their inability to reach a compromise on the matter was one of the reasons that the budget negotiations broke off early Tuesday morning.
He said then that although the commission had reached no conclusions on the matter, he thought it would be a mistake to change the law.