Defense Ministry officials are also worried about an explosive situation developing in Gaza if residents there cannot reach jobs in Israel.
They said it left them in a tiny enclave, making it difficult and sometimes impossible to reach jobs, schools, farm land, hospitals and commercial centers.
But the more than 1.2 million Palestinians who live in Gaza rely on the road to reach jobs, schools, beaches and hospitals.
Many workers, some of them illegal immigrants, did not want to pass police cordons to reach jobs in garment and other industries, Chinatown newspapers have reported.
Palestinians responded sharply, saying they will face daily complications in reaching jobs, schools and hospitals.
Gradually, the territorial closing has been eased to allow thousands of Arab workers to reach jobs.
Israeli border closings imposed after suicide bombings in Israel have added to already high unemployment, barring many young Palestinians from reaching jobs.
Never mind that most new residents face drives of an hour or more to reach jobs back in the Los Angeles area.
One immediate effect was to prevent some 100,000 Palestinian workers from reaching jobs in Israel.
The ferry, of course, will help the people who buy homes in Mr. Goldberg's project to reach jobs in Manhattan.