The whole tract reaches inland for 100 to 130 kilometres (60- to 80 miles).
Three subsequent waves, each larger and more powerful than the last, obliterated the neighborhood and reached 700 yards inland.
In some areas the waves reached 10 km inland.
Storm surge was measured at 22 feet (6.6 m) near the heads of bays, in some places reaching 10 miles inland.
Other greenhouses had been built in rows behind it, reaching inland.
A 12 m wave reaches up to 5 km inland, leaving over 400 dead, the deadliest natural disaster in Australia's history.
In March, temperatures often can reach 38 inland, but can drop to 17 as well overnight.
"The 16-inch guns can reach inland a ways."
Just about as far as the pier reaches into the ocean, the shops of Main Street reach inland.
The wooded area reaches inland from the coast.