Wolf has very steep slopes reaching 35 degrees in places, making access difficult.
One such was Lake Bonneville, which reached its highest level, in places more than 1,000 feet deep, about 15,000 years ago.
They can be used to reach in tight places where a full-width gouge would not fit.
In Waterbury, the water reached an estimated 35 feet in places, and was reported to have moved at rates up to 50 miles per hour.
There were ways to reach persons in such places, particularly when the law was not expecting it.
The real fake reaches its apogee in places like Las Vegas, where it has been developed into an art form.
Advertisers increasingly want to reach consumers outside of their homes in places where they cannot avoid ads.
Do you use proper steps or a step ladder to reach things in high places?
"We're trying to break out with a very dramatic advertising image, to reach people in places maybe they're not used to being reached."
Orangutans will craft simple tools out of sticks to reach food in difficult places.