Reaching its third record high close in a row, the Dow gained 12.64 points, to 2,299.57.
Dating back to last season, the losing streak had reached 12 in a row.
The track and field athletics team reached the State district championship three times in a row.
Sabatini, at 17 the world's fifth-ranked player, reached the final for the second year in a row.
Germain, which has reached a European semifinal four years in a row.
Boltic reached 10 Swedish finals in a row from 1979 to 1988.
Fourteen teams had achieved the 2-game streak a total of 17 times, but none reached 3 in a row.
He reached an obscure doorway in a row of silent houses and paused there.
Kanemoto became the first person to reach the finals three years in a row.
Reached 50 appearances for fifth season in a row.