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The community reached a high of some 2,700 members at the beginning of the 20th century.
A settlement was reached between the States at the beginning of the 20th century because the costs of litigation had grown too high.
In a sense, then, she had reached the conclusion right at the beginning.
Applications have reached nearly 50,000 a week from 10,000 a week at the beginning of the year.
It probably reached its high-water mark in the United States at the beginning of this century.
Its peak population was reached at the beginning of the 20th century with about 15 families living in Utskor.
The institution reached its peak at the beginning of the 20th century.
He reached his height of popularity at the beginning of the 20th century.
This terminal reached its height at the very beginning of the 20th century.
Turner estimates "Newsroom" will reach 1,000 schools at the beginning of the approaching school year.