Al-Mansur's father was killed in Portugal on July 29, 1184; upon reaching Seville with his father's body on August 10, he was immediately proclaimed the new caliph.
From Cadiz, the driver will reach Seville in under two hours on the major highway linking the two cities.
In southwestern Spain, the tsunami caused damage to Cadiz and Huelva, and the waves penetrated the Guadalquivir River, reaching Seville.
Reaching Seville on 20 March he was relieved to find that Victor's siege lines still held and Andalusia remained under French control.
The April 25 departure from London will reach Seville for the feria events of May 1 and 2.
Pizarro sailed from Panama for Spain in the spring of 1528, reaching Seville in early summer.
The fine palaces and mansions here still testify to those prosperous times, but galleons sailing up the Guadalquivir these days would have trouble reaching Seville.
When he reached Seville, he was stricken with dysentery.
Toledo and Segovia are within easy reach, and if you fancy a high-speed rail outing you can reach Seville in 90 minutes.
Most - 14 crews reached Seville that day, 9 stayed in Madrid, while last two crews remained in Bordeaux, including Stanisław Płonczyński (RWD-9).