Mr. Darman deserves at least part of the blame for the President's re-election defeat.
It represents a poignant achievement for Mr. Bush, coming 17 days after his re-election defeat and a day after the death of his mother.
After his re-election defeat, Carter negotiated the release of every American hostage held in Iran.
Before his re-election defeat, Collins was mentioned as a potential candidate in the 2014 gubernatorial election.
The Fed soon began cutting interest rates, but the slowdown persisted and contributed mightily to the re-election defeat of the first President Bush in 1992.
Many people who worked in the first Bush administration still blame Mr. Greenspan for the 1992 re-election defeat.
It is widely believed that his support of the flag change significantly contributed to his re-election defeat in 2002.
He remained Democratic Party chair until Brown's re-election defeat by Ronald Reagan in 1966.
Many political analysts have emphasized the lesson President Bush learned from his father's re-election defeat: do not ignore the Republican Party's conservative base.
After his 2000 re-election defeat, Grams went back into private business and in 2004 became the owner of three radio stations in Little Falls, Minnesota.