A razor-sharp line divided the quick from the newly grown.
"It's more attractive than a razor-sharp line," he says.
His grey eyes were expressionless and his lips were a razor-sharp line.
Using projections and masking tape to "draw" razor-sharp lines, he transfers an image line for line to canvas.
Saturn lay ahead, the razor-sharp line of the rings bisecting it cleanly.
This feature, however, produces a thicker line rather than the razor-sharp line produced by a sharp point.
The razor-sharp lines of another grid began to come up, and Stevie watched as an O appeared in the center space.
Emphasizing this threat, razor-sharp lines of laser sights crisscrossed the hazy room and settled on their chests.
She leaned her head against the back of her chair and looked up at the distant, geometrically straight, razor-sharp line of red light overhead.
So you've got to draw a razor-sharp line; exactly where the Advisory Board's directive puts it.