And to the communicator: "One rawhide bone, please."
"Instead of mints they left two rawhide bones on the pillows."
I got attacked by some... thing and chewed on like a rawhide bone.
Nearby, a rawhide bone sported teeth marks that appeared to have been inflicted by a creature with a surly disposition.
I could feel myself going into a terrier pup mode, worrying the issue like a rawhide bone, knotted on both ends.
Byron found the remnants of a well-chewed rawhide bone on the floor and skidded it over the polished wood for the pups to chase.
I dug a small rawhide bone from a kitchen drawer and sailed it into the living room.
He then runs to the student section of the arena and grabs an over-sized rawhide bone.
We substituted a rawhide bone every time the dog started tearing up stuffed toys.
The surcharge is now a lame $3, less than what it costs for a decent-sized rawhide bone.