The skin had been peeled away from what I could see of the woman's chest, leaving behind raw, exposed muscle.
A second image entered her thoughts - his brutally handsome body as it had looked in the bar, all raw muscle and arrogance.
All I had going for me was leverage, while he had raw muscle and weight.
The raw muscles inside twitched like live hamburger meat.
He stood in front of her, at least six foot five and pure, raw muscle.
The walls of the cavity were raw muscle, stained white by a drying poultice.
And he lacked the raw muscle to keep his promises quickly.
Her eyes clicked over raw muscle; she registered ooze from small vessels.
All that bright red, shiny blood, the raw, dark pink muscle, the shocking white of bone.
Yet this legacy is in peril, threatened by an increasing reliance on raw political muscle over appeals to conscience.