But even he doesn't eat raw grain.
The main assurance lies in tests conducted by food companies at every stage from raw grain to finished product.
Thus, diets high in raw or uncooked whole grains may lead to mineral deficiencies and other health risks.
Three hours after noon Rachel awoke, refreshed but hungry, and Nehushta had no food to give her except raw grain, from which she turned.
Studies by both Unicef and Mr. Drèze's group have concluded that in some places, children get only raw grains.
Once a quantity of raw grain was accumulated, it was put in a tent bag and pounded against the rocks to break down the husks.
A round stone structure stood next to the horse barn-a grain silo-filled with raw grain.
The raw, half-chewed grain was almost indigestible.
Hot springs, mud baths, diets that varied from little more than leaves and raw grains to nothing but raw meat.
There is a lot to learn, such as where to get raw grains in 100 pounds lots and how to cut up a side of beef.