The raw clay is dug with a pick and shovel in the rugged foothills outside the town.
Abandonment has provided the raw clay for low-income gut-rehabilitations.
You're all raw clay, but we'll make you boatfolk, fit to work the ship.
Second, it must be possible to heat the pottery to temperatures that will achieve the transformation from raw clay to ceramic.
They stole raw white clay from a troll potter, and used bits of their own to strengthen it.
By doing that, he breaks you down so that you're the raw clay.
(He owned a lot of land there, in part to supply his pottery with raw clay).
It is also used for the realization of bronzes: the prototypes are made out of raw clay.
Ido tea bowls, he says, are fired only once - the glaze is applied directly to the raw clay.
The Egyptian political landscape is still raw and unformed democratic clay.