The assessment emerged after a raucous parliamentary session on Wednesday in which conservative lawmakers seemed to deliberately torpedo the accord, which was reached after months of painstaking negotiations.
The vote, which came in a raucous session, was a prelude to a general election that will ultimately decide the fate of the accord.
The no-confidence measure fizzled in a raucous session when a major faction of the governing Liberal Democratic Party decided to abstain shortly before the vote.
In a raucous session before a packed lower house, the explosive issues of caste, class, religion and region were raised by bitterly divided legislators.
For a while today, the House of Representatives sounded like the British House of Commons in an especially raucous session.
One member, Florence Eng, is so intimidated by the raucous sessions that she wears sneakers to its public sessions "in case I have to run."
After a raucous session, the State Senate approved a bill permitting video gambling machines at dog-racing tracks.
Other soldiers wrote letters home on Senate stationery and conducted raucous mock sessions.
Then, at the raucous session on Monday, the last for the ousted members, some 200 residents booed and jeered one final, unsuccessful attempt to finance pet projects.
It's meant to be a loose, raucous blowing session.